Other Activities

This year we will be hosting several activities, in addition to the regular lecture tracks: a Capture the Flag (CtF) competition, application security workshops (both sponsored by GE Digital), and a resume review workshop.

Resume Review / CV Critique

We have seen many talented young professionals in the AppSec field (and some not so young) miss out on great opportunities in which they would excel, and bring amazing value to their employers. Often, this is happens because of a lackluster resume or CV, which does not properly showcase their talent and abilities.
For the first time, we will help you improve your resume, and offer tips to better show off what you can do - and get you in the door at the right employer.

Remember to bring your resume or CV with you! (Preferably paper printout, as that is easier to review).

Capture the Flag

This time GE Digital will host the CTF competition! The CTF will feature all sorts of challenges where you will have the opportunity to show your skills and win great prizes.

Amongst the challenges you will be able to find web exploitations, reverse engineering, crypto and many more challenges. Competitors could use the knowledge from the “CtF Workshops” to solve some of the challenges.

Access the CTF website online, and register your team here!

Requirements: Laptop.


First place: Mini Robot Second place: PlayStation 4 Third place: Apple TV

CtF Workshops

This year, we will have supporting Workshops, in addition to the CtF competition, also hosted by GE Digital.

GE Digital security researchers will host several hands-on sessions, each focusing on a different advanced aspect of application security, in different phases of the application such as development and deployment.
At each Workshop you will have the opportunity to understand the root causes of a different set of vulnerabilities, see them demonstrated live, and actively exploit them yourself, either in a hands-on lab or directly in the CtF.

Many of these issues are directly required in the CtF, and will be very helpful in successfully navigating through the CtF challenges.

View the OWASP AppSec Israel 2017 mobile app

Attendees could gain a hands-on experience by attacking either the systems that were built for the Workshop or the CtF’s challenges.

During the breaks you will have the opportunity to hear more from the security researchers about the security challenges in the exciting world of Industrial IoT, and cloud based environments. 

Laptop required.


Our conference is dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience for everyone, regardless of gender, race, religion, etc.. We do not tolerate harassment of conference participants in any form. Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for any conference venue, including talks, workshops, parties, Twitter and other online media. Conference participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the conference without recompense at the discretion of the conference organisers. See the full version here.